This contract is designed to help both you (the client) and your coach agree what is expected from your coaching session/s and what the process is to ensure a successful outcome for you both. You and your coach will both agree the parameters of your relationship and discuss their practical implications for each of you.
Your coach is provided to you by Cognomie Coaching.
What can you expect from coaching?
In a coaching relationship, the client’s agenda is at the centre of the relationship and will be worked on jointly by both coach and client.
Your coach may not have the answers to your questions but will be committed to working with you to explore them and help you identify how to move forward.
Your coach will, at all times, do their best to help you achieve all you want for yourself but there are no guaranteed results; you get out what you put in.
At all times, you will be treated with respect and anything you tell your coach will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Your commitment to the coaching process
You agree that the prime purpose of this coaching contract is to support, maintain and enhance your personal development and performance over an agreed period of time.
You understand that taking part in this coaching contract places responsibilities on you.
You agree to:
- prepare for each session
- be punctual
- ensure you are in an appropriate environment whilst engaging in the call
- ensure that the session is not interrupted, in order to give full attention to the interaction
- actively participate
- carry out any follow-up actions that you choose to commit to
You understand that all that is discussed between you and the coach will be treated in absolute confidence, unless agreed that information can be shared with another party.
Coaching Sessions & Processes
You have initially chosen to have either one introductory session or a package of four sessions, each session with a duration of one hour.
You will be offered the opportunity to buy further sessions, should you wish to do so, when your final session has been completed.
Sessions must be used within 12 months of purchase.
You are able to book and manage your sessions via your Cognomie Portal. Once booked, you will receive an email from Cognomie with the calendar download – please check your spam box just in case.
You and your coach agree to provide a minimum of 48hrs notice, if for any reason either party needs to postpone the coaching session and reschedule. In the event that you are unable to give at least 48hrs notice of cancellation, you may forfeit the session and the fee will be non-refundable.
If you cancel your booked sessions with more than 48hrs’ notice, your session will be rescheduled.
If for any reason the coaching relationship isn’t working, you and your coach agree to openly discuss concerns, and if necessary, involve a member of Cognomie before terminating the contract.
If you have any technical issues or any other questions during your engagement with us, you can write to us directly at
Thank you for choosing Cognomie coaching. We hope you enjoy the experience.