Register for Transformational Coaching
If you work in HR, People Management or L&D, then you can register to experience Transformational Coaching for yourself.
Empower yourself to help others
It’s been an unprecedented period of unexpected demands on workplace culture and the services that HR teams are expected to provide to their employees.
We’ve seen whole organisations working remotely, without access to physical face to face meetings. Our employees being required to work in home environments and adapt their personal spaces as time passes to this new working scenario. Unseen challenges to everyone’s usual work-life balance and routine.
We’ve all felt this.
We at Cognomie want to offer an opportunity to those in HR or People Management roles, that at times have had to devise new solutions to unprecedented scenarios for their employees, to regain some purpose and focus through a free coaching session with one of our expert coaches.
Transformational Coaching for HR and People Professionals
Complete the form below to experience Transformational Coaching