When we first founded Cognomie a few years ago we were incredibly excited to make Dubai one of our first conference destinations. All of the founding team had worked in Dubai in various roles prior to launching Cognomie and all thrived on the energy of life in the region and the combined commitment to innovation and excellence that permeates the business culture.
Our own ‘inner energy’ as entrepreneurs derives from our strong sense of purpose about wanting to support and nurture Mental Fitness to more and more people around the world. So what could be more inspiring and energising than finding ourselves amongst fellow advocates at the Wellbeing at Work summit held in a country that only a short time before became the first country in the world to appoint a Minister of State for Happiness and Wellbeing as a powerful and influential Governmental role.
It has been interesting to observe how the pace and energy behind wellbeing seems to be accelerating over the last few years between our first summit and 2022’s recent event.
In 2019 we could almost feel the excitement in the air as organisations explored the potential of workplace wellbeing. The prevailing feeling was one of organisations very much understanding the value of Mental Fitness to business performance, wanting to make exciting things happen and exploring the possibilities available to them.
This year we noticed an even more strategic view being taken with organisations seeking to align their approach to wellbeing with business performance and wider brand and business development objectives.
Our prediction is that by next year this will have evolved still further with more and more organisations leading the way in adopting a tailored and personalised approach to workplace wellbeing. Making more and more use of both data and excellence in coaching and organisation wide leadership training as Dubai continues to be in the vanguard of shaping the future of work and business success.