The who, where and why of becoming more resilient

Mental Fitness, Purpose

What are your sources of resilience?

How many challenges have you faced as an individual in the last week, month, year, decade or lifetime?

Challenge can be negative or traumatic. Or it can be something that shapes us and help us grow. The difference can be down to our resilience, our ability to adapt to change and reshape ourselves to it. 

“Resilience: The ability of an individual or organisation to adjust to or recover from disruption, change, challenge, adversity or crisis.“

Resilience is important.  For ourselves. And for the organisations and businesses we are part of. Resilient people are the raw materials of resilient businesses. Resilience helps people and organisations flex, change and keep performing in challenging times.

We think resilience is so important we’ve developed an e-guide that explores it fully. You can download it here:

But here’s a quick tip from the guide to help us reflect on how we can help create and nurture our resilience. 

We think there are 3 things that are fundamental to resilience: 

Your network
Our personal networks are powerful sources of resilience. It might be networks of friends and family who are ‘there for you’ or ‘have your back.’ It can be our peers and colleagues who are going through the same experiences. Having people to share things with who ‘get it’ and ‘get you’.
Who helps sustain your resilience? Make a list of the people that get what you go through and sustain you.
Your renewal
Time to be you. Time to reflect. Time to have space. Time to move or exercise or do the things you love doing. Having space to process our challenges, to renew ourselves, to breathe and remind ourselves what it's all for.
Personal renewal is a vital part of resilience. How do you renew? Make a list of the places or activities that help you renew yourself.
Your purpose
One important ways to find our resilience is the simple act of reminding ourselves why we are going through the challenge. Whether our motivation is sustaining a lifestyle for our families, achieving personal goals, making the world a better place, reminding ourselves about the why can make the challenge seem easier.
What’s on your purpose list? Make a list of the things that motivate you

But the nature of those things, what those things mean, how they materialise, the form they take, are always personal. Reflecting upon our sources of resilience helps us get better at tapping into it when we need it. When we know where it comes from, we know how to find it when we need it. 

Want to take this further?

Do you want to gain insight into personal transformation? Do you want to learn how your own Mental Fitness can be the framework for understanding how you can develop greater self-awareness and grow in your own capability and resilience?

Or, if you play a role in your organisation’s development and that of those who work with you and their Mental Fitness, we’d love to talk.



Download our Resilience eGuide to help you better understand resilience and how you can build your own resilience for when it’s needed most.

by | 3 Nov 2022

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